trash cleaning

How To Get Rid Of Bad Smells From Trash Cans

August 04, 20243 min read

How To Get Rid Of Bad Smells From Trash Cans

Ever opened your trash can and been hit by a wave of unpleasant odor? You're not alone. Persistent odors from trash cans can be a common issue that disrupts the comfort of your home. Maintaining a clean and odor-free environment is crucial not just for aesthetic reasons but also for your health.

Bad smells can affect your daily life, making your living space less enjoyable and even causing potential health issues. This guide will help you understand the sources of these odors, preventive measures, and provide effective solutions to keep your trash cans fresh.

trash cleaning

Understanding the Source of Odors

  • To tackle the problem effectively, it's essential to understand where these bad smells come from. The science behind trash can odors involves bacteria, food waste, and moisture. When organic waste begins to decompose, it releases gases like ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, which are the primary culprits of foul smells.

  • Different types of waste contribute to specific odors. For instance, meat and dairy products can produce particularly strong and offensive smells as they break down. Bacteria thrive in moist environments, and the combination of leftover food and liquids creates an ideal breeding ground for them.

Best Practices for Preventing Bad Smells

Prevention is better than cure. There are several strategies you can implement to minimize odors from the outset. Proper waste disposal techniques are key. Make sure to empty your trash regularly and avoid letting it overflow. Segregate your waste into recyclables, compostable, and non-compostable materials to reduce the overall volume of smelly trash.

Keeping your trash can dry and clean is another effective tactic. Moisture accelerates the decomposition process and promotes bacterial growth. Consider using liners to prevent leaks and spills. Additionally, deodorizers can help neutralize odors before they become a problem.

trash cans

Step-by-Step Guide to Removing Bad Smells

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, odors still manage to creep in. Here's a detailed, step-by-step guide to deep cleaning your trash can and removing bad smells effectively.

  1. Empty the Trash Can: Remove all trash and dispose of it properly.

  2. Rinse with Water: Use a hose or a bucket of water to rinse out the inside of the can.

  3. Scrub Thoroughly: Use a brush and a mixture of water and dish soap to scrub the interior. Pay special attention to the bottom and corners.

  4. Rinse Again: Rinse out the soap and grime thoroughly.

  5. Deodorize:

  • Natural Methods: Sprinkle baking soda or place a few charcoal briquettes at the bottom of the can to absorb odors.

  • Commercial Deodorizers: Use sprays or scented liners designed to neutralize smells.

  1. Dry Completely: Leave the trash can open to air dry completely before using it again.

Maintaining a Fresh Smell

  • Consistency is key to keeping your trash can odor-free. Adopt weekly and monthly cleaning routines to prevent odors from building up. A quick rinse and scrub can go a long way in maintaining freshness. Always ensure the trash can is dry before placing a new liner.

  • Long-term odor control involves regular checks to identify and address recurring odor issues. If you notice persistent smells, it might be time to reassess your waste disposal practices or switch to a different type of deodorizer.

    trash cans


Keeping your trash cans clean and odor-free doesn't have to be a daunting task. By understanding the sources of bad smells and implementing effective prevention and removal strategies, you can ensure a fresher and healthier home environment. Remember to stay consistent with your cleaning routines and be proactive in addressing any odor issues.

Feel free to share your experiences and tips in the comments below. Let's work together to create a cleaner, more pleasant living space for everyone!

If you are interested in trash can cleaning services, contact us at 602-228-6108!

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